Cemetery Search

Updates to this database ended in 2012. Any names identified after that have be added to the OGS TONI database

This database contains names in cemeteries that have been catalogued by Ottawa Branch. Enter the value you are searching for in the Search box. It will search automatically. You may sort by any column by clicking on the column heading. Click on the green Plus + icon to view all details known about the item. If there is a Dewey number you can find the reference item in our reference library catalogue

Click for help with searching this search this data

Global search There is a box titled Search at the top of the data. . The words you enter will be found in longer words. For example, it will find john in Johnston and smith in Smithsonian. The searched words may not all be in the same field in the record. If you want to search for a phrase or a word with spaces, then put the value in double quotes. Such as “Saint Mary” or “Le Moine”.

Column search The columns let you search that column for content. There will be a box for text at the top of each searchable column. This search is simpler and the search routine will identify everything that matches what you type, including the order of the words. You can put text in more than one column at a time for a closer search.

Click on the green and white icon at the left to expand the record and show more detail. Click on the red icon to hide the extra detail.

SurnameGiven NameCemeteryAddressTownshipCountyMapTombstoneBirthDeathReferenceTitleOrganizationCommentDeweyID
SurnameGiven NameCemeteryAddressTownshipCountyMapTombstoneBirthDeathReferenceTitleOrganizationCommentDeweyID