Restorations of Biblical Proportions (Ottawa)

Date(s) - Sat, Apr 20, 2024
13:00 - 14:30

City of Ottawa Archives


Title: Restorations of Biblical Proportions

Speaker: Kyla Ubbink

Details: Family bibles are the most common family heirloom, but it took centuries for them to come into being. The story begins with rebels, such as Wycliffe and Tyndale, and innovators including Gutenberg and Koberger; who brought bibles into the hands of the common man. Family bibles were usually given as wedding presents during the Victorian era; but were also often purchased at the arrival of a first-born child. Although many bibles have remained in the same family for centuries, ‘family bibles’ are defined by having pages printed specifically for recording births, marriages, and deaths. If these pages have been filled in, they are a primary source of family history; but these books are also a tangible connection to the past. Your ancestors learnt how to read from them, and their geography and history lesson were derived from them. They held, touched, and cherished these resources, as you are doing now. Family bibles fell out of fashion in the 1920’s, but not out of use, rendering most of them in poor or even terrible condition today.  Covers have become detached, the glues are failing, the pages are loose, and sometimes even the leather is rotting away, but family bibles can be saved. Old glues can be replaced with new glues, the pages secured, and tears repaired. Bindings are restored by inserting new material beneath the original leather, and dyes and leather dressings return luster and beauty. It takes technical knowledge, patience, an aptitude for meticulous work, and on occasion leads to uttering under your breath to an all-knowing deity.

When: 20 April 2024 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time

You are invited to a Hybrid meeting – a chance to network with other genealogists in person or to watch in your jammies.  It’s your choice.

We will be live in the City of Ottawa Archives, 100 Tallwood Drive (Room 226). Please bring your “bag” lunch and join us at 12:30 to meet and chat with other local genealogists. You never know what you can learn talking to others. You may even help another family historian! No need to bring dessert as we will have cookies, as well as coffee & tea.

We will also be using Zoom to webcast if you cannot join us in person. Register in advance for this Zoom presentation:

All Ottawa Branch monthly presentations are open to the public at no charge so bring a friend new to genealogy!